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/Learning Technology Standards / ADL Resources / Repositories /


Plugfest 9 (February 2005)
See topics, dealing with Repositories, for example:

CORDRA State of the Union
1. High-level overview of ADL’s Content Object Repository Discovery and Registration/Resolution Architecture (CORDRA) and how CORDRA works, with an open discussion forum.
2. Detailed overview of ADL’s Content Object Repository Discovery and Registration/Resolution Architecture (CORDRA) and ADL Registry. CORDRA and the ADL Registry are ADL’s efforts in developing repositories for learning content.
3. Description of Digital Object Architecture, the Handle System and the ADL Registry. He also illustrates how these systems work together to identify and manage content objects.

CORDRA or reconciling local repositories and global federations
These days, many elearning community virtually define themselves by setting up their own repositories, each with its own technology choices, metadata and content. Which is fine, but it can mean that the community can miss out on great resources made elsewhere. The CORDRA (Content Object Repository Discovery and Registration/Resolution Architecture) initiative seeks to reconcile these local concerns with global reach. A report of a two day workshop on the topic is now available online in D-Lib magazine.

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